TiDbits 2

Life is a double-edged sword

1.  ADULT has 5 letters,

     so does YOUTH .

2.  PERMANENT has 9 letters,

     so does TEMPORARY .

3.  GOOD has 4 letters,

     so does EVIL .

4.  BLACK has 5 letters,

     so does WHITE .

8. HATE has 4 letters, 

    so does LOVE .

9. ENEMIES has 7 letters, 

    so does FRIENDS .

11. HURT has 4 letters, 

       so does HEAL .

12. NEGATIVE has 8 letters, 

       so does POSITIVE .

13. FAILURE has 7 letters, 

      so does SUCCESS .

14. BELOW has 5 letters, 

       so does ABOVE .

15. CRY has 3 letters,

       so does JOY .

16. ANGRY has 5 letters, 

      so does HAPPY .

17. RIGHT has 5 letters, 

      so does WRONG .

19. FAIL has 4 letters, 

      so does PASS .

20. KNOWLEDGE has 9 letters,

       so does IGNORANCE .

Are they all by coincidence? 

This means LIFE is like  a double edged sword but the choice we make determines our future..

The River Cannot Go Back  -  Kahlil Gibran 

It is said that before entering the sea

a river trembles with fear.

She looks back at the path she has traveled,

from the peaks of the mountains,

the long winding road crossing forests and villages.

And in front of her,

she sees an ocean so vast,

that to enter

there seems nothing more than to disappear forever.

But there is no other way.

The river can not go back.

Nobody can go back.

To go back is impossible in existence.

The river needs to take the risk

of entering the ocean

because only then will fear disappear,

because that’s where the river will know

it’s not about disappearing into the ocean,

but of becoming the ocean.

Up, upper, uppam!

UP to you to believe it or not… 🤔😝

One word in the English language that could be a noun, verb, adj, adv, prep is "UP".

    Read until the end... you'll have a good laugh !!!

    This two-letter word in English has more meanings than any other two-letter word.  That word is, 'UP'.  It is listed in the dictionary as an [adv], [prep], [adj], [n] or [v].

      It's easy to understand UP, meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in the morning, why do we wake UP?

    At a meeting, why does a topic come UP?  Why do we speak 'UP', and why are the officers UP for election, if there is a tie, it is a toss UP, and why is it UP to the secretary to write UP a report ?    

    We call UP our friends, brighten UP a room, polish UP the silver, warm UP the leftovers and clean UP the kitchen.  We lock UP the house and fix UP the old car.

    At other times, this little word has real special meaning.  People stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite, and think UP excuses.

    To be dressed is one thing, but to be dressed UP is special.

    And this UP can be confusing. A drain must be opened UP because it is blocked UP !!!

    We open UP a store in the morning, but we close it UP at night.  We seem to be pretty mixed UP about UP !!!

    To be knowledgeable about the proper uses of UP, look UP the word UP in the dictionary.  In a desk-sized dictionary, it takes UP almost 1/4 of the page and can add UP to about thirty definitions !!!

    If you are UP to it, you might try building UP a list of the many ways UP is used.  It will take UP a lot of your time, but if you don't give UP, you may wind UP with, UP to, a hundred or more.

    When it threatens to rain, we say it is clouding UP. When the sun comes out, we say it is clearing UP.  When it rains, it soaks UP the earth. When it does not rain for awhile, things dry UP.

    One could go on and on, but I'll wrap it UP, for now...... my time is UP!

    So, did this whole thing, crack you UP?🤩

Send this on to someone you look UP in your group .... or not... it's UP to you. 😃🤭🤪😂😂😂

It is the most used letter in the English language. E. Ernest Vincent Wright, an American writer, had a hunch. To write an English book without using the letter E even once. Wright had plastered the letter E on his typewriter so that it wouldn't move, so that he wouldn't accidentally get the E into his writing.

         Wright wrote the book in 1939. There were 50,000 words in that novel 'Gadsby'. Not even one of them used the letter E. It was widely recognized at the time as a fun book to read.

       Wright was exhausted from trying to think of every word that didn't have the letter E for the book. He finally succumbed to death the same year the book was published (1939).

(2). Henry Murray was behind the preparation of the Oxford English Dictionary which was published in 1928. He had only 8th standard education.

            Murray was born in a village in Scotland to a tailor. The boy was adept at learning languages at an early age. At the age of 18 months, he learned the entire English alphabet without sight. At the age of seven, he surprised everyone by translating Bible verses from Chinese. By the time he was 20, he became the headmaster of a village school. Learned 25 languages. He had an insatiable passion for the English language. Understanding Murray's taste, the English Philological Society entrusted him with the task of preparing an English dictionary. Murray started its work from 1857. He completed a volume of 352 pages in five years. But he left this world at the age of 78 without being able to complete the dictionary completely. The complete Oxford English Dictionary was published in 1928, many years later than Murray intended.

It was Murray who inspired it.

(3). The Japanese word 'Mokusatsu' means 'ignore', 'withhold opinion for the time being' or 'no opinion'. At the end of World War II, the American government warned the Japanese government before dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. They said that they had deadly weapons in their hands and if they used them, the whole area would become a desert and therefore surrender immediately.

Notice from It was a time when the Japanese cabinet was discussing withdrawing from the war. So the Japanese government replied that they were maintaining 'Mokusatsu'. The government meant that 'comment will be given later'. But unfortunately that word is translated as 'Ignore'. Immediately upon receiving this reply, the United States immediately gave the order to bomb. History is witness to everything that happened later.

Thanks to Dr P N  Gangadharan Nair

ALL words begin with the alphabet "T" ! And it ALL fits to the 'T' !!!

A tribute to the letter "T"

The tongue’s terrible tendency to tell tall tales totally tarnishes traditional transcommunication theories. The tempestuous tirades traceable to the tongue testify to the traumatic tactics of this tiny tab of tissue. Thousands that take the time to think, try to tame the tumultuous torrent of the too talkative tongue. Temporarily, the tide turns. Towering tempers turn to tenderness. Then, tragically, the trend tapers. The tongue trips, teeters, then takes a tumble; the temptation to trifling twaddle triumphs.

Take time to tabulate this timeless truth: to train the tongue takes the tremendous talent of trust. Theology teaches that trust thrives through toil. Therefore, throttle the testy tongue! Terminate the trivial topics that tinge the tenor of talk! Trim the trashy, tasteless terms that transgress traditions of truth! Trounce the trite themes that toady to thoughtless tattling!

Theoretically, the tantalizing target of a true, tactful, temperate tongue torments and teases those that tackle the task. To tell the truth, thrilling triumph throngs the tracks of the tough, tenacious thwarter of tawdry talk !!!!!

Practise your diphthongs:

Roy, a joyful boy, saw a brown cow in the meadow. "Wow!" he shouted, pointing at the loud mooing creature. "How now, brown cow?" he playfully teased.  He then noticed a toy boat floating in a nearby stream. "Oh boy," he sighed, "that boat must belong to someone. I should try to find its owner!"  Roy knew he shouldn't touch it, so he decided to wait and see if anyone came looking for the lonely boat.

This paragraph practices diphthongs like:

1. /aʊ/ (cow, how, now, brown)

2. /ɔɪ/ (joyful, boy, noise in "meadow")

3. /oʊ/ (know, boat, lonely)

4. /ɔɪə/ (toy)

5. /eɪ/ (play, wait, they)